Composer in Residence
Jeeyoung Kim's website
About the Artist
As a Korean-born composer who was educated in Korea and the United States, Jeeyoung Kim’s music harmonizes the unique cultural aspects from Eastern and Western traditions.
“…Kim’s language is tonal but with Schoenberg’s nuances. Unlike Schoenberg’s, this music depends more upon sheer instrumental color than on its underlying structure for its impact – upon moments of fleeting poetry punctuated by silence. The result is a highly Impressionistic essay, and a haunting one.” William Zagorski, Fanfare Magazine.
“Even to the untrained ear, there was no mistaking the elegance and poignancy of this music.” Joshua Kosman, San Francisco Chronicle.
Recent works include two pieces, “Tryst” and “Ancient Bell”, that were commissioned and toured worldwide by the Silk Road Ensemble lead by Yo-Yo Ma. Also She served as a composer-in-residence for Chanticleer, a Grammy Award winning choir.
Ms. Kim has won awards and recognition from National Endowment for the Arts (NEA), the ASCAP, International Alliance for Women in Music (IAWM), National Association of Composers, USA (NACUSA), Meet the Composer, Bunting Fellowship from Harvard University, Dale Warland Singers New Music Competition, American Music Center, Seattle Creative Orchestra Competition, Jerome Foundation, Ellen Battell Stoeckel Fellowship at Yale University, Atlantic Center for the Arts, Aspen Music Festival, and Norfolk Chamber Music Festival.
In addition, she has received numerous commissions and her music has been performed by many chamber orchestras and ensembles in the United States, Europe, and Asia, including: Czech National Symphony Orchestra, the Albany Symphony, the Seattle Symphony, Abilene Philharmonic Orchestra, Su-Won Philharmonic Orchestra and Dae-Jeon Philharmonic Orchestra in Korea, Seattle Creative Orchestra, June In Buffalo Orchestra, Oberlin Conservatory Orchestra, Chanticleer, Dale Warland Singers, Su-Won Civic Choir, De ereprijs in the Netherlands, Music At the Anthology led by Philip Glass, Azure Ensemble, Ethos Percussion Group, the American Composers Forum, Wu Man, Seoul Spring Festival, and Contemporary Music Ensemble of Korea.
Ms. Kim studied composition in Yonsei University (B.M.) in Korea and Indiana University (M.M.). Ms. Kim received the Doctor of Musical Arts from Yale University. In 2001-2002, she was awarded the Bunting Fellowship at Harvard University, where she composed and researched Asian music and philosophy. She was a composer-in-residence for Chanticleer in 2003-2004. She is currently a composer-in-residence for the San Francisco Performances. (2012)